来自中国农业科学研究院,哈尔滨兽医研究所国家禽流感实验室的研究人员利用环介导基因恒温扩增(LAMP)技术,研发出一种新型的疫苗,能同时预防鸭瘟病毒,和防止H5N1禽流感在鸭子之间的传播。这对于预防和应对H5N1疫情具有重要意义。这一研究成果公布在Journal of Virology杂志上,同时Science杂志也在题为“Warning of H5N1 Resurgence Surprises Community”的文章中,提出这种疫苗可能消除对H5N1的预警,并平息近期有关H5N1是否会卷土重来的争论。
目前国际社会对H5N1会否卷土重来仍存争论。其中,世界粮农组织首席兽医官Juan Lubroth指出:“根据2004年到2008年的观察,H5N1流感病毒在逐渐减弱过程中,同时出现了新的分支病毒,这预示着H5N1流感有可能在今年秋冬突然爆发。”但世界卫生组织及世界动物卫生组织认为,变异是禽流感病毒固有的进化特性,新发现H5N1病毒的变异尚不足以显著增加其对公共卫生的威胁。
Development of a reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of avian influenza virus subtype H7
A rapid and sensitive reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) method for the detection of the H7 avian influenza virus (H7 AIV) isotype was developed. The minimum detection limit of the RT-LAMP assay was 0.1-0.01PFU per reaction for H7 AIV RNA, making this assay 100-fold more sensitive than the conventional RT-PCR method. This RT-LAMP assay also has the capacity to detect both high- and low-pathogenic H7 AIV strains. Using a pool of RNAs extracted from influenza viruses corresponding to all 15 HA subtypes (in addition to other avian pathogenic viruses), the RT-LAMP system was confirmed to amplify only H7 AIV RNA. Furthermore, specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens were infected artificially with H7 AIV, throat and cloacal swabs were collected, and viral shedding was examined using viral isolation, RT-PCR and RT-LAMP. Shedding was detected following viral isolation and RT-LAMP one day after infection, whereas viral detection using RT-PCR was effective only on day 3 post-infection. These results indicate that the RT-LAMP method could facilitate epidemiological surveillance and the rapid diagnosis of the avian influenza subtype H7.